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    Essential Oils

    Ginger Oil Fresh, Côte d'Ivoire

    Ginger Oil Fresh, Côte d'Ivoire

    CAS: 8007-08-7
    Variety: Zingiber officinale L.
    Regular price $5.50 USD
    Regular price Sale price $5.50 USD
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    Free shipping worldwide. Conditions apply.

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    This is, objectively, the finest fresh ginger essential oil you will ever experience. Once again the master distillers at Payan Bertrand have managed to capture the very soul of the plant in producing this masterpiece of perfumery art — and it's not a CO2 or molecular distillation!

    When compared against the far more common Ginger Fresh (or fraiche) essential oils from Indonesia, Madagascar and China, this Ivorian oil is not just a step up… it is a total reinvention of what ginger oil should be. Smelling this oil is like smelling ginger for the first time. It will take your breath away.

    Ivory Coast ginger has all the expected character of fresh ginger but with a whole extra layer of dazzle. There is no dustiness here (often characteristic of poor quality oil) just pure effulgent ginger.

    Origin: Côte d'Ivoire
    Part: Rhizome
    Process: Steam distillation at source

    Warning: This is a raw material for the manufacture of perfumes. Do not consume. Do not apply directly to skin. Keep out of reach of children.

    Fraterworks® is strictly a reseller of this product and is neither an agent nor official distributor for Payan Bertrand.

    IFRA 51: 10.9% in finished product (Cat. 4)
    Appearance: Pale straw liquid
    Longevity: Lasts > 24 hours on a smelling strip

    General Information

    Like most suppliers and makers of quality raw materials for fragrances, we do not filter many of our products. This ensures that no odiferous matter is lost prior to use but can result in the appearance of small particles or slight clouding.

    All alcoholic fragrances should be macerated for up to a month and then chilled in a moderate freezer overnight before being filtered fine. This will remove all cloudiness or detritus and is the industry norm.

    IFRA Standards

    Permitted amounts in finished product:

    IFRA 51: 10.9%
    IFRA 49: 10.9%

    These are derived from calculated concentrations which do not replace chromatographic quantification on individual lots. Disclaimer...

    For Trade Use Only

    Our products are intended as building blocks in the perfume creation process; they are not to be applied to the skin undiluted.

    These raw materials are for use by the perfumery trade only.

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    Demonstration Formula

    Fraterworks demonstration formulas give you real-world examples of how our products are used. See the complete index.

    Twilly Dreams — A Spicy Floral Fragrance

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    Customer Reviews

    Based on 1 review

    This is by far the best ginger oil I have ever smelled. I tested it on a strip, and it does not wane in quality or turn 'earthy' after a whole day. Even when mixed into MCT oil, with other ingredients, it sings brightly. There is no parallel on the market to match this quality. I'm loving it immensely and keep it on my desk for regular sniffs. Highly recommended.

    General Disclaimer

    (a) Vegan labelling: Where the word “vegan” is used in relation to our products, that indicates that we have not added any animal products to products marked vegan. We do not verify whether any third-party supplier has used animal additives prior to supplying a product to us. We provide products marked vegan “as is” and make no representation as to the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of that claim.

    (b) Natural labelling: Where the word “natural” is used in relation to our products, that indicates that we have not added any synthetic additives to products marked natural. We do not verify whether any third-party supplier has used synthetic additives prior to supplying a product to us. We provide products marked natural “as is” and make no representation as to the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of that claim.

    (c) Documentation: We provide the information contained in each document you obtain from us (including but not limited to SDS, IFRA certificate, COA, TDS, EU Allergens, and any other regulatory document) “as is” and make no representation as to its accuracy, completeness, or reliability. We provide no warranties or guarantees in relation to a document you obtain from us. You purchase and use a document or documents at your own risk. Any implied conditions or warranties are excluded and, to the extent that they cannot be excluded, any liability we have to you or any other person or entity in respect of a document you obtain from us is limited to NZD0.01 (one cent). You indemnify us against any loss we suffer or incur as a direct or indirect result of your use of a document you obtain from us.

    (d) Demonstration formulas: Demonstration formulas are provided as a guide only. We provide no warranties or guarantees in relation to the formula. You access and use the formula at your own risk. Any implied conditions or warranties are excluded and, to the extent that they cannot be excluded, any liability we have to you or any other person or entity in respect of the formula is limited to NZD0.01 (one cent). You indemnify us against any loss we suffer or incur as a direct or indirect result of your use of a formula.

    • Regulations

      All of our products are compliant with EU 1223/2009 and the NZCPGS. None of our bases contain prohibited materials and regulatory compliance is possible depending on usage.

    • IFRA Conformity

      All of our bases can be used in products requiring conformity with the latest IFRA standards. Fraterworks is an official member of IFRA and the FFAANZ.

    • Nitro Musks

      Some of our products may contain small amounts of EU and IFRA compliant musk ketone. We never use musk xylene, musk ambrette or any other prohibited materials.